Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 12, 2007

Weight: 151.5 (a three week low!)

Breakfast: A Patio frozen burrito

At work: Box of raisins, handful of shredded wheat, handful of almonds, pineapple orange banana juice, Dannon Smoothie

Dinner: Meatloaf (about 1/4 of the loaf that was made with 2.25 lbs of ground sirloin). Good stuff.

Exercise: Bowflex.

I need to add some variety to this.....I'd like to see some recipes that have ten or fewer ingredients and can be put together very inexpensively on a per meal basis. All of the recipes I have seen lately are very exotic and look like they would take hours to prepare. If only they made healthy Ramen or Hamburger Helper.....

1 comment:

Karen said...

How much vodka was in your juice? Don't forget the details! ;-)