Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 26, 2008

Weight: 156
Exercise: Some housework and shopping. I attempted to use the elliptical but the Tivo wouldn't work from there due to Emerson's exersaucer being in the way....and then Emerson started crying when I moved the exersaucer, and it was too hot to walk outside. Better luck tomorrow.

Meat Omelet, Toast, and Fruit at Duffy's (which is much better than my usual choice of Biscuits and Gravy and Hash Browns as sides - I don't feel so icky afterwards)
Creamer in coffee
A few handfuls of Reese's Pieces that I bought last week and have been in the fridge ever since
Salad consisting of an iceberg lettuce mix, lowfat ranch dressing, olives, and croutons
Apple juice
Frozen burrito

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