Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Day 9 - May 30, 2007

Weight 153.5 (wha' happened?)

Breakfast: Generic Wheaties, milk, and a handful of raisins

At work: 10 oz. of orange juice, serving of All Bran crackers, handful of Cinnamon Shredded Wheat, Fiber One Chocolate and Oats bar

Dinner: Philly Cheese Steak Tony's Pouch (sort of a Hot Pocket knockoff - on sale at Reasor's last week)

Evening: 8 oz. of Vegetable Soup and 5 saltines

Bowflex this evening too!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 8 - May 29, 2007

Weight: 153

Breakfast: Weight control oatmeal with two teaspoons of brown sugar

At work: 1.5 oz. box of raisins, handful of cinnamon shredded wheat, 10 oz. of orange juice

At Borders at lunch (I swear they pump hunger hormone into the air there -- being there always makes me hungry): Sour dough pretzel

Dinner: Leftover ground turkey and brown rice

Evening: 8 oz. of vegetable juice and 5 saltines

I did much less thinking about food today, thanks to being busy at work. No real physical activity today -- I got home late and it was threatening to rain at lunch so I didn't walk. I'm also sore from the Bowflex yesterday. Excuses.....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Day 7 - May 28, 2007

Weight: 153.5

Breakfast: Box of raisins

Lunch: Salami sandwich with handful of pretzels

Dinner: 1/4 lb. ground turkey (precooked weight) and a cup of brown rice

Evening: 8 oz. of vegetable juice and 5 saltines

I spent some time with the Bowflex this evening.

I was sad all day because it was a holiday and I didn't eat chips and cakes and cookies. Food is a cheap antidepressant and I can get it without a prescription. I'm obsessed with food -- previously with the idea of what tasty thing I was going to eat next and now because I'm not getting to eat those things. Maybe having a million things to do at work tomorrow will occupy my brain so it can't think about food all the time.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day 6 - May 27, 2007

Weight: Unknown

Breakfast: Breakfast bowl from Spangles (consisting of sausage, egg, tater rounds, and gravy -- maybe some cheese?) and a small orange juice. Mom had the same thing. I wish Tulsa had Spangles. But I guess I can't really eat a breakfast bowl every day.

Lunch: Half of my leftover ravioli, half of my mom's leftover lasagna, a piece of fried zucchini, and a spinach salad.

Dinner: Two small servings of shepherd's pie (yummy, Rod!) and two slices of Texas toast

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Day 5 - May 26, 2007

Weight: 152.5

Greetings from Wichita.

Breakfast: 1.5 oz. box of raisins

Snack in convenience store parking lot in southern Kansas: Honey Nut Cheerios bar (made with real milk!). Chose this over the Nutri grain bar that was covered in dust on the bottom shelf. I guess health food isn't one of their profit centers.

Lunch: Mom bought lunch at Olive Garden - Booyah! Had a few stuffed mushrooms, a few fried zucchini slices, a few pieces of fried meat ravioli, a few breadsticks, a few bowls of salad, and about 1/4 of my plate of the Portobello stuffed ravioli with cheese sauce. The rest is in the fridge for tomorrow's consumption. The waitress was perky!!!

Evening: Mom bought ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery -- I had a "Love It" serving (a.k.a. "Medium") of Chocolate with Reese's Peanut Butter cup chopped. Good stuff.

I even got four glasses of water in today. I rock.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 4 - May 25, 2007

Weight 153

Lessons learned from yesterday -- Make sure to have enough food at desk to get through day so emergency trips to Albertson's can be avoided. I shopped hungry and ended up with a wrap that was probably packed with about 600 calories (I have no idea, really). So this morning, I picked up some All Bran crackers (NEW!) and a box of Cinnamon/Brown Sugar Shredded Wheat to eat as finger food. Both have plenty of servings in the box, so this is much cheaper too.

A reader who identified himself as "Jayson" asked if all beverages not noted in my diet have 0 calories.

Good question, boy with extra letter in his name. Yes. If I have anything other than water or diet soda, I'll make note of it. I thought until this morning that vodka had no calories. But then I remembered that it was "odor" that vodka has none of. As luck would have it, I have imbibed no vodka this week.

Breakfast - Patio Beef & Bean Burrito (more frugal than healthy)

At work: Banana, a serving of the All Bran Garlic crackers, a handful of shredded wheat, apple, Fiber One chocolate and oats bar

Din-din: Two servings of Impossible Lasagna Pie.
Tomato juice.

Two mile walk during lunch.

Off to Wichita tomorrow morning to see my mom. Family gatherings are typically all about strapping on the feed bag.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 3 - May 24, 2007

Weight: 152

Drat - I forgot to bring my walking clothes to work! Subconscious sabotage, perhaps?

Breakfast: Salami sandwich and a large handful of Baked Cheetos

I picked up a decaf at Quik Trip with some French Vanilla creamer. I sip on this throughout my weekly conference call.

11:30 a.m. -- All coworkers within smelling distance bought Chinese food and brought it back to the office. I wasn't really asked if I wanted anything, but I'm taking a willpower victory anyway. I'll just put some soy sauce on my leftover pork tonight.

At my desk at work: Banana - America's favorite 8 and a half incher :-)
Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bar
Turkey, Bacon, and Cheddar wrap from Albertson's

At home: Leftover pork sirloin and rice - Glass o' Vegetable juice

More Boxflex action tonight!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 2 - May 23, 2007

Weight: 153.5

I've been super hungry today, but I've really only eaten small bits at a time.

Breakfast: Patio Chicken Burrito

At work: 1.5 oz. box of raisins, Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bar (yummy!), 5 or 6 graham crackers, a Low Fat Chocolate Chunk Chewy Granola bar, 6 oz. of Pineapple/Banana/Orange juice

After work: Boneless pork sirloin and a cup of brown rice, banana.

Tonight will be difficult -- I usually eat nonstop while watching Lost. I'll just hit the diet soda really hard. I took an opportunity to buy a subscription to Self magazine for $1 an issue. Hopefully it's not all just ads and "how to apply makeup so boys will like you". The web page seemed to put a focus on health and recipes, so that's a good sign. Thanks to K.H. for the reference.

I also got a good link from R.B. to a great women's weight training site. Very empowering.

Exercise: Two mile walk at lunch. Note to self: Pack a change of clothes for tomorrow's walk.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Flog = Food Log

My next attempt at dieting incorporates my biggest motivator - the fear of failing in a public forum. Therefore, I will keep a public record of my weight, my feelings about food, exercise, and perhaps most important, the food I put in my body. That way, when I complain about my pants fitting too tightly, you can refer to the Chicken Fried Steak I ate on Day X and tell me to shut up.

The last few months have been horrible with respect to food. We began looking for houses in February, which is when I went on a diet of the cheapest things available - frozen burritos and Ramen so that the new house payment would be more feasible. Then, when the move proper began, who had time to zap something in the microwave? My relationship with food resembled the movie Super Size Me, except I ate at two or three different restaurants a day instead of just McDonald's. I stopped taking my long walks at lunch -- I was spending all of my time at home either packing, cleaning, or unpacking, so why not unwind with a Chicken Tender meal at Sonic during my lunch hour?

I'm pleased to say that my long walks at lunch have resumed and I'm eating healthier generally - just still too much. Hopefully the pain of having to log everything I eat will discourage some of the late night trips to the kitchen for cheese and crackers or Nutty Bars. I pledge to be honest and complete.

My goal is 140, which is the point where my BMI calculation is Normal rather than Overweight. I'm not obsessed with body image at all - People don't have to be stick thin to be beautiful. I'm just trying to avoid expensive health problems from arising in the future, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Day One - May 22, 2007
Weight - 154.5

Breakfast: Weight control oatmeal, with a generous layer of brown sugar (this can be scaled back)

At my desk at work: 1.5 oz. box of Raisins, Maruchan Instant Lunch (cup o' soup -- about 290 calories but lots of sodium and fat), 6oz. can of pineapple/banana/orange juice

At home at the kitchen table: slice of salami with two pieces of toast

At home in front of the TV: 8 oz. of vegetable juice

That wasn't so bad -- About 1000 calories and no starving

I also was inspired by my friend R.B. to resume strength training -- I pulled out the Bowflex and used some light weight. I pulled my neck really bad last spring using it and since then I've been shy on it, so I'll be slow to build back up. The weight melted off last spring when I used it so maybe that will happen again.