Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

Weight: 156.1

Banana and peanut butter
Milk for coffee
Few splashes of French vanilla creamer for coffee
English Muffin, along with about 1/3 of the mixture of a can of tuna, an avocado, and a tomato
English muffin, along with about three scrambled eggs and a handful of shredded cheddar
About 1/4 of Em's leftover English muffin with a dab of peanut butter

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21, 2013

Banana and peanut butter
Coffee creamer
Coming of Age cake at church
Pumpkin/black bean soup at church and various healthy sides
Mixture of leftover refried beans, cheese, and ground turkey

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013

Breakfast with family at Duffy's - Em and I split the Waffle Party (Big Waffle, sausage, eggs) plus two additional scrambled eggs. Two "tubs" of 1/2 and 1/2 for coffee

Sandwich: one slice of sourdough, some roast beef, Swiss and, mayo. Two handfuls of goldfish crackers and a pickle

10-15 jellybeans and two little miniature chocolates

Peanut butter and Nutella sandwich

Fruit and veggies are once again missing. Try harder, you fool.

Started reading Salt, Sugar, Fat today. Should be a good psychological boost, like the one episode of Jaime Oliver's show I saw a few years back.

Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013

Weight: 156 point something

Two pieces of Easter Candy
English muffin with peanut butter
Healthy choice portobello Marsala TV dinner
Skinny cow cup of ice cream
Few splashes of milk in coffee
3 "little pizzas" - 1/2 an English muffin, pizza sauce, and mozzarella
1/2 a banana

Hmm, I'm noticing a lack of fruits/veggies...drag.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

Weight: 158.1

English muffin with peanut butter
Michelina's Lean Gourmet, lasagna
Triscuits, oh about 20 or so
5 prunes
Strawberry, yogurt, orange juice, banana smoothie
2 pieces of Easter candy

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013

Several cups of coffee with splashes of milk, French vanilla creamer, or non-dairy creamer

Smoothie with strawberry, banana, Greek yogurt, and orange juice

Indian food -lots and lots of Indian food, including rice, meatballs, chicken nan, rice pudding, and vegetable fritters

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2013

Weight: 156.7

Orange juice, few bites of Emerson's leftover breakfast

Two hard boiled eggs

Company luncheon, consisting of vegetarian sushi, edamame, brown rice, chicken, beef, lemonade, and cake

Cucumber slices and hummus

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013

157.3 lbs

20 grapes, 7 chunks of pineapple
Banquet Turkey Dinner
Small box of raisins, package of peanuts from vending machine

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013

Weight: 158.1

Banana with spoonful of peanut butter
Splashes of milk in coffee

Another serving of cornbread/corn casserole
Handful of edamame

Panera Bread:
Bowl of black bean soup
classic salad

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

This date seemed so far in the future when I started this blog.

I *need* accountability. I am addicted to food. Self diagnosed.

My weight is going in the wrong direction. It's correlated a bit with a change in medication (switched between two generics, but it's not the first time it's happened, the two previous big trends in weight were at the same time as medication switches, first world insurance problems, amirite?).

I am not obsessed with weight. Only to the extent that it gets my doctor off my back.

I don't plan on doing this every day. Weekends are my time. If I'm on track on willpower alone, bravo.

If I'm posting, it means I need to take a look at what I am eating. I have fallen behind and need a refresher. At least one day where I am not eating a sleeve of thin mints in traffic. Yes, there are apps. I use one for exercise that also tracks calories. I'm not really obsessed with calories. I just want to be less mindless.

Weight: 159.1

14 chunks of pineapple
2 hard-boiled eggs
About 1/5 of the corn/cornbread casserole I made yesterday
Handful of edamame
Serving of skinny cow chocolate ice cream (honoring my dad, RIP)
5 jellybeans